Saturday, March 5, 2011

Morning walks

While the really wicked hot weather spell in Niagara Falls (heat index of 108! where we had set our RV's A/C to 70 but the best it could do was 82...!) had passed, it was still a bit warm and humid for the CarrieBearie - esp. to go out and exercise in! This girl much prefers below 70 and mostly cloudy! But I really needed some active outdoor time, so I finally wised-up and went out early enough to beat the heat. This did mean setting my alarm and heading out around 6:30am, but it was worth it!! Including some pretty morning fog scenes that you don't get when you sleep in...!

The meadows were full of lots of spider activity too!

My favorite walk was down this dirt road.

Waiting for me with open arms!

One little trail opened out onto a creek or pond.

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