Monday, January 11, 2010

When you're rich...

Certain things have always made me feel rich. A full tank of gas. A full pantry. And a full woodbox. Like a squirrel hoarding acorns, it makes me feel prepared, ready.
I used to cut wood with Grandpa - quakies in Colorado. I can still smell the wood. Oak smells very different but wonderful and burns really well. Good clean-burning, dense wood. High BTUs and all that. On our famously warm and sunny winter days here in So. Cal., like the ones we've enjoyed recently, firewood isn't always needed. But lower temps and an entire WEEK of rain are in our long range forecast (believe it or not! yeah, we'll believe it when we see it!), so it'll soon be time to go out and cut and collect yet again.

Yurt Days

Things you see up at our yurt:
Cat in Window

Oaks and clouds.

Does a tree...??

OK, yes, it does.
I was there. And the tree did fall. Right in front of me!
Take a dead tree and wet ground - add some good winds.
Ideally, you should be in your robe and slippers, then go out to make sure the dogs "get the job done," and wa-la! Instant "tree falls in the forest" kind of thing!
Right at your feet!
But maybe if I hadn't been there to witness it,
it would still be standing...?!?

A Good Start on A New Year...!

Recipe for a most excellent 2010:
1 awesome husband
1 not-so-bad wife
1 best-dog-in-the-world dog
1 OK dog
1 Dad-thinks-he's-perfect cat
1 Mom-likes-her-real-well, softest cat
1 really cool yurt in a pretty place
1 RV waiting in the wings...

And yes, the cat on her catfish...