Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kleenex Kitty!

VIEWER WARNING: Some may find the following images disturbing. Proceed with caution...

Call him Block Head. Call him crazy. But this guy really knows how to create his own entertainment opportunities. I can't remember if this has already come up in the blog yet, but it's such a novel approach to RV living, I deem it worth repeating. So our little orange kitty, Tractor, came up with this game one night - blind man's bluff via empty Kleenex cartons. Bill and I were both working at our computers when I felt something bump into my leg. Looking down, I didn't immediately register what it was I was seeing. Maybe that's because it was something I'd never seen before! Completely of his own making and initiative, he'll jam an empty, or semi-empty, tissue box on his head and then start wandering around the RV, feeling his way around, paws stretched out in front of him. You can tell he's processing exactly where he is - by feel! Over the many months since his invention, he has progressed from just bottom-dwelling to somehow jumping up onto the dashboard, the couch, the bed, and the dining bench.

So, if you're over at our place someday and see the word KLEENEX getting bigger and bigger, beware! Tractor's on approach!!!!!!!!!

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