On the 18th, we left NM for Texas! Our encampment for the next 4 nights was Alpine in southwestern Texas. From there, we visited some wonderful spots - Balmorhea, Ft. Davis, McDonald Observatory. And Big Bend. But more on those spots later. For now, some shots from the road and our campground...
Our 4 kids - note the elevated stress levels...
Scratty's secures herself for travel.
And this here's for David! One of Bill's best pals in high school (on prominent display in upcoming entries!) received one of his degrees at Sul Ross U. While doing laundry, I met a couple of young guys who seemed to be living at the campground while going to SRU - one in rodeo studies (a real honest-to-goodness cowboy! but from Red Bluff - no, not Texas - but California!) and the other, biology (pre-med)!
Upcoming big event in the area - cowboy poetry. Like Monterey, which has cowboy songs in Dec. Both evidently hugely popular events. If we'd timed it right, we might have enjoyed the poetry!! But we were just a tad too early and didn't feel like hanging out there an extra week.
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