Saturday, March 20, 2010

At the Junction

Our next stop was Junction, TX (just NW of Fredericksburg). From Feb. 25 - Mar. 1, we stayed at a beautiful KOA, which had the N. Llano River running right behind it! And wow, the pecans!!!! Huge, old, majestic pecan trees towered over all our RVs, scattering pecans everywhere! I love being surrounded by food! Maybe I never evolved out of the hunter-gatherer stage, but it was like a giant camouflaged Easter egg hunt! We came away with bags of pecans! They're a bit tricky to open (with a clumsy pair of pliers...!) without squishing the meat, but it's fun and rewarding! Yum!
Ray-ray enroute (are we there yet?!).

Ouray's going to kill me for posting these photos. Really blows the mean ol' dog image, don't it?! We're pretty sure he's learned to share with his little kitty siblings OK - what d'you think?

Couch potatoes for sure. Twice baked, I'd say...

A look at this pretty RV park - still mostly winter. Must be pretty incredibly green and gorgeous once those trees leaf out!!

Scratty unleashed. Look out! Their daddy decided it was a safe place for them to run wild, and thus, Miss Barton heads out...!

However, Tractor's attention is immediately stolen by a pair of ducks. He ain't goin' nowhere! The KOA was home to a bunch of these white ducks. They'd go out and play in the river during the day and then come waddling back to their pen at sunset. Very cute! They seemed to also know that this silly orange cat wasn't going to jump in the water after them anytime soon!

Under surveillance, but safe!

You can almost hear them saying "Bring it on!" Can't you?

I hadn't realized before, but Scratty's eyes are almost Llano-colored!!

Quiet Llano at the end of the day.

Looking back to our RV. Great campground, eh?!

Kitties watching the Duck Parade?
Ah yes, could be!!!

Tractor wishes, oh how he wishes...
Those ducks. Mmm, how delicious!
(they are going back in their pen for the evening - little white spots in the background)
Miss February?????
Another pretty evening along the N. Llano.

Clouded vision.

Pecan trees and sunset clouds.

Pecan tree sillhouette.

1 comment:

  1. It was nice sharing this day with you and the "kids". Such beautiful pics, too.
