Enchanted Rock State Park. A "huge pink granite exfoliation dome" near Fredericksburg. I had thought the dogs and I could climb it before we met with Sandy for lunch - wrong!! It was way too sunny and hot for all three of us. But we did walk a little ways up before deciding to turn back...
And if you enlarge this photo, you can see little stick figures crawling around on the rock...
Later on, after giving up on The Rock, and after lunching and shopping with Sandy, our sunny day had vanished, replaced by huge clouds and cooler temps. So she and I called it a day, and I decided to take the doggies back to the Fancy Rock and give it another go. Here's the view on the return trip - the rock we'd climb is the furthest to the right.
It was much cooler and nicer, but because of the steep rock face, I left the doggies to wait in the car (they got their walk later). Here you are looking at the top of the rock! I was very surprised to find all these vernal pools, some with cactus and grass!
Talk about stick figures!!! Oh, if only! All those extra calories I've been gorging on don't show in photos like these - hmm, I like this one! This is on the way back down.
OK, now it's the doggies' turn! Back to point and shoot mode!
Getting a bit dark (and blurry!), but this walkway/mini-waterfall was cool - esp. with such good-looking dogs on it! It reminded me of a piano - I wouldn't have been surprised if I'd suddenly heard a tune - like in the movie, "Big."
It had been such a nice day. Unfortunately the next event was not so nice. As we walked through the parking lot, a guy (whom I had said Hello to earlier) opened his car door, allowing his extremely aggressive sheltie out!!! This nasty little dog came barreling straight for my dogs, snarling and snapping. I just couldn't believe it! I was so taken aback - it was one of those moments where you don't quite respond right at first because you're just in some sort of shock! I tried to pull my dogs away (impossible, because this guy's monster dog kept coming at them!). What I should've done is gone at the dog myself!!!! And then the stupid owner next!! But finally the dumb guy got ahold of his dog. Really pissed me off that all he could come up with is "gee, he never has done that before (yeah right!!!), sorry." I was so upset and mad, I just put my dogs away and drove off. But I drove right back a minute later to chew him out proper! To tell him he was damn lucky that my dogs were so nice and not the kind to just eat his dumb dog - AND that his dog was too little to do any damage to my dogs or he sure would've been sorry!!!!!!!!!! All I can say is that he was a sorry piece of northeastern trash in my opinion! What a lame guy!! I didn't hear anything that sounded real or like a sincere, heartfelt apology. Put a damper on the evening, but Ouray and Senny were more OK than I was, and it had been a nice day, so...onwards.