Sunday, August 29, 2010

On to Oak Mountain

I was able to get us reservations at Oak Mtn once the weekend was over, so we moved over there for a couple nights. First thing? Time to take the kids for a swim!

The dogs really enjoyed themselves.

Can't say the same for the cats... Yeah, we took them in too. That's pretty much The Stink Eye that Tractor's giving me here.

Scratty was none too pleased either. Although Tractor seems to still hold it against us, and steers clear of water now, whereas Scratty seems surprisingly comfortable being around it (not that she wants to go swimming again, mind you).

What did I tell you about the brothers thing?!! These two really like each other. It goes beyond comfort to just plain, well, liking each other! And they're actually pretty alike in ways, in addition to their post-swim grooming techniques.

Pretty road through the park.
Pretty picnic area, wouldn't you say?!

Scratty has forgiven me and finds security hanging over my arm, all the while hanging out the window at 40 mph!

1 comment:

  1. Your animals make the best subjects for your photos. They seem to pose just purrrfectly every time you point the camera at them. Really lovely pics.
