Lake Travis, where Bill's folks had a house right on the lake.
Below the dam. We walked the dogs across the bridge to one of the spots where Bill and his sports car enthusiast buddies used to race.
Doing the slower, bipedal version of the "hill climb." The road is closed off now to all but hikes and bikes.
Back across the bridge, which seems to be mostly used for fishing nowadays.
It's warming up, and Ouray needs a cool-down!
We go by Bill Sr., Orpha Maye, and Bill Jr.'s home. Designed and built by William Maynard Barton, Sr. in 1960, it's still standing and with only a few slight modifications (like probably the paint color!).
After a few trips in a smaller, used motorhome, we decided we liked all that adventuring so much, we came home and traded in our RV for a bigger one, moved out of our house and rented it, moving into our little yurt in the back country of a certain southern CA county - all in one month! We started out afresh then as full-time RVers - my husband, two cats, two dogs, and I. And indeed, our first year with our new Winnebago Tour, we were out from Jan. to Nov. However, due to health issues and trying to avoid the cold wintery weather found in so much of our country, subsequent years have seen us only out for about 6 months, scurrying back to sunny, mild southern Calif. come fall.
I am amazed at all we've seen and the wonderful people we've met. Come share it with us...
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